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Nov 25, 2023 2 min read

Victim of Check Fraud & Unhelpful Bank | Case Summary #219

Diane is 82, lives alone on a fixed income and watches her finances carefully. She is a sharp consumer and has been a customer of her local bank for many years.


The problem started when Diane noticed that more than $9,000 was missing from her checking account. She contacted her bank to find out what went wrong.

Diane has known the bank manager by first name for many years and was confident that the problem would be resolved quickly.

Refusal of Service 

Unfortunately the bank manager she knew for many years did not take the situation seriously or handle it professionally. In addition to not returning the money, he failed to place any additional protections on her account, allowing a further $4,000 to be stolen over the next 5 days.

When Diane called the bank manager to follow up on the situation he would not acknowledge his own mistake of allowing additional fraud and would not commit to any form of resolution. The bank manager offered no accountability and no assurance for recovering any of Diane’s stolen money.


Diane lost the entire contents of her checking account while on a fixed income. This is a very serious situation. Even catching this within 48 hrs and contacting the bank manager, she was not able to stop continued theft and or recover any of her funds.

Investigation & Resolution

Noble Navigators initiated an investigation and contacted the bank manager directly. The bank manager was informed that complete resolution was expected in this situation and a certified letter of demand would follow shortly.

Upon notification of Noble Navigators' involvement, the manager contacted Diane to communicate a complete resolution. He offered his apologies and all money totaling nearly $14,000 was returned within 3 business days.

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