Member Support

Dec 5, 2023 2 min

My Home Warranty Company Is Ignoring Me | Case Summary #129

John purchased a home warranty to cover some of the basic repair and maintenance expenses for his home in Pennsylvania.


John went to use his bathroom and found that his toilet wasn't working properly. John immediately reached out to the home warranty company and requested the coverage that he purchased.

The home warranty company took down his information and told him they would get back to him right away with a qualified plumber to handle this situation.

Refusal of Services

The home warranty company John had been paying each month called him back but told him that they were not able to find a plumber to service his location. John found this hard to believe because he lived in the 5th largest city in the US.

The company offered to partially reimburse John if he found a plumber himself, but this amounts to a refusal of service. The service is the main reason John purchased the home warranty in the first place.


The home warranty company wasted 24 hours making excuses and then another 2 days pretending to research other options. John and his family weren't able to use their own bathroom for over 3 days while the company pretended to work on this basic request.

Burden Shifting

This home warranty company used a now common technique we refer to as "Burden Shifting" where a company tries to convince a customer that it’s actually their job to provide the services.

This is often seen in technology companies that use "self-serve" technical support options. But it is also common in companies that don't intend to provide the services they sell. They confuse the consumer or delay complaints by giving the customer tasks to complete.

Investigation & Resolution

Noble Navigators initiated a conference call on a recorded line with John and the home warranty company. The professional approach resulted in a rapid change in attitude from the company and a written letter of demand was issued as a precaution. The company quickly resolved the situation to John's satisfaction.

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