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Nov 1, 2023 2 min read

Disappearing HVAC provider | Case Summary #301

Eddie recently bought a house and wanted to upgrade his HVAC system to improve his family’s quality of life and increase the value of his property. Eddie found what seemed to be a reputable local HVAC company.


The HVAC company provided a written estimate which Eddie compared to other providers and eventually accepted. Eddie spent $12,000 on a brand new system including a 3 year annual maintenance contract.

The system was installed and working, but when it came time for the annual maintenance, the provider didn’t schedule it, even though it was included in the contract. When Eddie called, texted and emailed - the installer ignored all communications.

Refusal of Service

The HVAC company denied Eddie a key piece of the services he purchased. Installed systems like this require annual maintenance to operate optimally and it can be important to maintain the service and service records for the home’s resale value.

The company was refusing to provide key services and refusing to return phone calls, emails and text messages.


Eddie and his wife both work from home and their daughters are home schooled. The entire family spends nearly their whole day in the home. Preventative maintenance on their HVAC system is important for the indoor air quality of their home and the family’s health and wellbeing.

Eddie wasted hours trying to contact the HVAC company to get them to take basic actions.

Investigation & Resolution

Noble Navigators initiated an investigation, researched public complaints with the Better Business Bureau and established contact with the company both by phone and in writing. Noble Navigators communicated the situation and the consequences of continued non-compliance. The HVAC provider immediately re-established contact, apologized to Eddie and provided the agreed upon services in less than 5 business days. Eddie and his family had no further problems and are now completely satisfied with the outcome.

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