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Nov 1, 2023 2 min read

School Refused To Return My $5k Deposit | Case Summary #181

Noura found a school and coursework to enhance her career. She checked reviews and the school's refund policy and placed a $5,000 deposit for an upcoming class.


A few weeks after placing her deposit, Noura changed her mind and requested a refund within the window the school offered. The company initially agreed, but then things turned hostile.

Refusal of Service

The school representative initially committed to providing a refund in 30 days. But after 45 days no refund had arrived. Noura called and emailed and was given the runaround for several more weeks. When she followed up twice in one week, the school representative turned hostile.

Not only did the representative accuse her of outlandish and untrue things, but then, for the first time, threatened not to refund Noura's deposit.


Noura was out $5,000 for more than 3 months. She was prevented from enrolling in another class or from using her money to further her education the way that she needed. And she was subject to verbal abuse from a school representative, creating a dramatic and upsetting situation.

Investigation & Resolution 

Noble Navigators contacted multiple representatives within the school's administrative staff and established a clear line of communication and accountability.

Noble Navigators issued a written communication, followed by a clear letter of demand prior to escalating to legal action. The school administration completely changed the tone of communication and issued the refund without further accusations or abusive communication.

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