Member Support

Jul 29, 2023 1 min read

Step 5: Attorney Referral

If you would like to speak with an attorney at any time, your Navigator can prepare a specialized case file and an attorney referral.

Step 5: Attorney Referral

Attorney Referral

If you wish to speak with an attorney, your Navigator will identify the bar association local to you or where legal action is being considered. Your Navigator will provide you with the published profiles of attorneys from the bar association.

Bar Association

Noble Navigators provides referrals to qualified attorneys by working through each state's Bar Association.

Case File

Noble Navigators provides a specialized case file you can share with attorneys you are considering hiring.

Legal Action

If you hire an attorney and choose to pursue legal action, Noble Navigators will continue to update the case file and work with the attorneys you have hired.

Class Action

If your case is related to a class action (group legal action), you may have some choices about how you particpate. Check with your Navigator.

Member Assistance

Noble Navigators provides guidance, direct action and ongoing support services for more than a dozen important life situations including basic tech support. If you or someone you know needs assistance please contact Noble Navigators 24/7.

  • Expert Review
  • One Page Plan
  • Automatic Follow up
  • Direct Navigator Actions
  • Backup Services





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