Member Support

Oct 14, 2023 8 min read

I need help getting something repaired or replaced

If you are having difficulty with a company not honoring their warranty or problems getting something repaired or replaced, Noble Navigators can help.


Some types of products can be difficult to get repaired or replaced, especially when it involves the use of warranties or other complications like using only "authorized" parts or repair personnel.


This article covers some of the basic challenges that come with getting items repaired or replaced and can serve as an outline for a Member Services conversation you can have with a Navigator 24/7.

Table of Contents

Topics for Review


Getting things properly repaired can protect and prolong the life of the products you own. Handling repairs may involve diagnosing malfunctions, contacting companies and understanding the recommended or approved repair process.

Repairs Under Warranty

A "Warranty" is a commitment from a manufacturer that their product will function properly over a given period of time or the company will repair or replace the product under specific terms and conditions. Companies may require that customers provide "proof of purchase" or other hurdles that can make some warranty processes very challenging.

Voiding the Warranty

Using non-approved parts or personnel in the repair of some types of products may void the warranty or the terms and conditions. It may also mean that damage or injury resulting from products repaired with non-approved parts or personnel also may not be treated the same way by the company or other parties.

Approved Parts

Many companies require or recommend that repairs are completed using approved parts manufactured by or approved by the original manufacturer. Approved part requirements may be profit generating strategies or good quality control practices.

Authorized Personnel

Approved personnel may be required to repair an item. In some cases product repairs may require specialized training or tools only authorized personnel would have.


When products are not candidates for repair, companies or consumers may prefer to replace them.

Replacement Under Warranty

Getting products replaced under warranty can range from straightforward to complex. Some companies will require proof of purchase or a demonstration of specific defects before replacing a product under warranty. Other issues with product replacements commonly involve additional costs, trouble matching products and long delays.


The need for car repair can be caused by accidents or breakdowns and result in unexpected expenses as well as disruption to work, transportation and day-to-day activities. Getting cars repaired can be costly,time consuming and involve multiple parties and insurance companies.

Car Warranties

Car warranties are the source of frequent disputes between customers and companies and are a common topic of consumer complaints. This is especially true for "aftermarket" warranties sold by companies other than the car's manufacturer. US Consumers are encouraged to exercise substantial caution when considering products or services like car warranties.

Dealer & Repair Fee Issues

Car repair is one of several industries where the exact amount you owe may not be quoted until the work is complete. In some cases there may be a substantial difference between the initial estimate and the final amount the provider charges. While some situations may require pricing flexibility for repairs, some dealerships or repair providers may abuse the uncertainty of the estimation or repair process.


Appliances like washers, dryers and dishwashers are important parts of many consumer lives and represent larger or longer term consumer choices. Getting household appliances repaired may involve finding old receipts, warranties or other documents, especially if under warranty.


Repairing appliances may also involve logistical challenges gaining access to installed items. Disruptive activity such as cutting holes or the removal of drywall, plaster or semi-permanent or permanent fixtures may be required. This activity can sometimes create unexpected or unnecessary damage.


Many appliance companies require that their equipment be repaired with only parts manufactured by or authorized by them. This requirement may be related to quality control or simply to drive additional revenues for the company.


Repairing many types of appliances may require specialized training for service technicians. The requirement for specialized training may limit the number of service professionals available, which can sometimes lead to increased cost or delay.


Phones contain private information and can control spending or transferring money, communication, navigation and other functions. Having these devices repaired can present challenges.


Some phone software challenges may be resolved with remote or face to face service without giving up access to your phone. Some technical problems may require service technicians taking possession of your phone without you being present or may require you to mail your phone to a service center.

Best Practices

It is important for you to take steps to safeguard your sensitive data prior to providing your phone to service technicians or shipping it to service locations.


Computers contain private information and are often access points to additional resources including in the workplace. Following the best practices for having your computer equipment repaired can help protect your equipment, identity and data.

Authorized Personnel

Some computers or computer warranty policies require that repair is conducted only by authorized service technicians. Opening certain parts of the computer, attempting to repair equipment yourself or using non-authorized personnel may void the warranty on your equipment. Some types of equipment are designed to require special tools and training to repair safely and properly.


The source of malfunctions or damage may be obvious and straightforward or it may require professional assistance to diagnose. Both remote and face to face diagnostics can present some challenges to privacy and security.

Best Practices

When you are mailing equipment to a company for repair or leaving it with service technicians, you may wish to develop some good practices for securing data, changing passwords or other steps to reduce the likelihood of misuse of your equipment or data while in the possession of others.

Data Theft

Financial and healthcare information, photos, personal communication and other information can be targets for data theft. It is often helpful for people to consider the most sensitive or vulnerable data on their computer and proactively work to identify and secure it before thefts occur.

Data Loss

It is important to backup your data effectively and to test that you can successfully retrieve and restore important files from the backup system or process you have created. Testing this process from time to time will help you identify possible challenges.

Data Recovery

When trying to recover data from a damaged computer, some security and privacy considerations may be more difficult to accomplish. Data recovery professionals often require more complete access in order to recover and verify data.

Other Electronics

There are a variety of electronic devices that have private information, passwords & network settings for home and workplace. It is important to consider what data is accessible on electronic devices being repaired.

Home Repair

Home repair can cover activities from hanging a picture to a complete renovation. Some common categories of repair activities are noted below.


Disruptions to electrical service within the home can be serious and can impact food refrigeration, lights, heat, security and other important areas of day-to-day activities. It is important to use qualified personnel to provide electrical repair services. Some states and municipalities may require licensing to clarify who is qualified in that area.


Plumbing issues can be minor, moderate or serious depending upon the situation. Minor situations can develop into more serious situations and water can quickly affect electrical, structural and other issues quickly. It is important to use qualified personnel to provide plumbing repair services. Some states and municipalities may require licensing to clarify who is qualified in that area.


The roof of a home can be a substantial investment and an ongoing concern for many homeowners. Challenges with the roof can lead to leaks and water entering the building causing longer term structural challenges. Unresolved roof problems can substantially decrease the market value of a home and render homes or areas unsafe. It is important to use qualified personnel to provide roofing repair services.


Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning & Cooling (HVAC) is a broad industry term that refers to many types of systems, professional providers and household situations. Malfunctions with HVAC systems can leave properties unsafe to inhabit due to poor ventilation or unsafe temperatures. Improperly installed or maintained HVAC systems can endanger the health of residents and reduce property values. It is important to use qualified personnel to provide HVAC repair services. Some states and municipalities may require licensing to clarify who is qualified in that area.

Lawn & Landscaping

Lawn and landscaping services can impact other home situations such as property liability, personal safety and other important areas. Unreliable service or quality control can create unexpected issues for property owners.

General Contractor

General Contracts may provide services directly to you for home construction or renovation, or they may coordinate the actions of other specialized contracts on home construction or renovation projects. Challenges, misunderstandings and delays are common in construction projects with multiple layers of management. It is important to use qualified personnel to provide General Contracting services. Some municipalities may require licensing to clarify who is qualified in that area.

What you stand to lose.


Our phones, computers, cars and appliances drive a substantial part of our lives. Disruptions in their use can have a debilitating impact on day-to-day activities.


Malfunctioning products have less worth. Keeping homes, computers and other items in good working order preserves the value of your investment, for you and for future resale.

Time & Frustration

Warranty disputes, discontinued products and limited service availability can create frustration.

Member Services

Noble Navigators provides guidance, direct action and ongoing support services for more than a dozen important life situations, including providing care for others. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please contact Noble Navigators 24/7 for live assistance

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Behind the Scenes Information

Some companies do not offer effective repair, replacement or support services for their products. Checking repair availability, costs and timing may be helpful when purchasing important products in your life.

Key Terms

A commitment from a company that a product will operate as promised or the company will repair or replace the product according to the terms and conditions specified.

Authorized Parts

Some companies require that only specific parts can be used in the repair of their devices.

Authorized Personnel

Some companies require that only people who work for the company itself or who have received specialized training may repair their products.

Authorized Facility

Some companies require that their products are repaired only at facilities that they manage directly or that have been previously approved by the company.

Proof of Purchase

Some companies require that customers demonstrate that they have purchased the product from an authorized reseller or that the product has been purchased within a specific time frame. Purchase receipts and product registration confirmations are common forms of "proof of purchase".

Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)

When many companies interact to build products, it can be useful to designate which company is the original equipment manufacturer so that organization may designate appropriate repair processes.


No last names or other personally identifiable information are used in published case studies. All photos are stock photography unless specified.