Member Support

Oct 14, 2023 5 min read

I need help with hacks, scams or fraud situations

If you have been the victim of a hack, scam or fraud, Noble Navigators can help you regain control of resources and develop a plan to protect yourself moving forward.


US Consumers are subject to continuous attempts to access their phones, computers as well as their financial, communication and business productivity apps and accounts.


This article covers some of the basic topics related to hacks & scams and can serve as an outline for a Member Services conversation you can have with a Navigator 24/7.

Table of Contents

Hacks, Scams & Fraud


The term "hack" refers to unauthorized access of a device or system. Consumer phones, computers and accounts are under continuous electronic attack. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to personal and corporate resources are increasing and evolving. Hacker intentions and the resulting damage vary. You can read more below about some signs of unauthorized access.


There are a wide variety of scams, nearly all of which depend on some form of trick, deception or misrepresentation. Scammers are now using more sophisticated tools to target and track vulnerable individuals, to harvest data to better tailor scams and to create more convincing deceptive content to execute their scams.


The term "fraud" is most often used when describing activities specifically related to unauthorized access to systems or improperly used authority to achieve a criminal goal. There is overlap between the terms and activities of "fraud", "hack" and "scam".

Signs of being hacked

Loss of Access

Ordinary technical issues may prevent you from accessing a phone, computer or account, however, it can also be a sign of unauthorized access.


Technical malfunctions happen for a variety of reasons, including when systems have been damaged from unauthorized access.


Compromised systems may contain unexpected or graphic words or images or contain messages from hackers including data ransom or other demands.

Financial Theft

Unauthorized access of devices or systems may lead to unauthorized purchases or other forms of financial theft, including fund transfers through apps and accounts. Unexplained financial transactions may be an indication of compromised devices, accounts or systems.

Data Theft

Devices contain financial information, images and a variety of sensitive personal information which can be used in identity theft, further intrusions, scams or extortion. Receiving notifications of new accounts, or scam or extortion communications referencing personal details may indicate compromised devices or systems.

Software Analysis

Some compromised devices or systems are revealed by software designed to detect viruses, malware and other forms of unauthorized code.

Suspicious Account Activity

Some forms of unauthorized access become evident from suspicious communications, account changes, or other visible forms of unauthorized activity.

Signs of scams & fraud

Phone calls

Scams can start with or develop to include phone calls. Scammers may try to gather additional information from the intended victim or attempt to issue direct instructions to purchase, transfer or otherwise disburse money. Once a person has been the victim of scams, it may be more likely that their contact information including phone number is a more frequent target of future scams.


A wide variety of scams start with or include email communication. Emails used in many scams rely on the use of recognizable logos, or domain names and email addresses that look similar to the company or person the scammers are impersonating. Emails may appear to come from companies you have recently used or may even contain information related to your recent activities.

Text Messages

People frequently receive fake SMS and text messages to phones and other devices. Some messages impersonate people while others attempt to get recipients to click on links or other activities. Since many companies use "short code" numbers to send messages and URL shorteners to display their URLs in SMS messages, it can be hard for customers to validate legitimate text messages.

Social Media

Social Media platforms and communication interact with scams in more than one way. Scammers can find information about people and activities, enabling them to more effectively target and tailor scams. Scams may also involve fake social media profiles or many profiles interacting together to accomplish a scam.

Physical Mail

Mail for people, accounts or businesses you don't recognize sent to your address may be an indication of scams. Consumers may also receive checks or products in the mail as part of more elaborate scams.

Financial Theft

Missing funds or unrecognized charges may indicate scams, hacks or fraud. In many cases unreceived refunds, products or deposits may indicate scams.

Fake or Deceptive Products

Some scams involve providing customers with fake, counterfeit, sub-standard or deceptive products. Other scams may involve sending people real products but involving them in a larger deception that may involve transfer of funds.

Missing Products

Some scams involve collecting funds or fees, but failing to ship any products at all.

Missing Services

Some scams involve collecting funds for services but not delivering qualified services in a timely manner or not delivering services at all.

Member Services

Noble Navigators provides guidance, direct action and ongoing support services for more than a dozen important life situations, including providing care for others. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please contact Noble Navigators 24/7 for live assistance

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Behind the Scenes Information

Hacks, scams and fraudulent activity, including identity theft can be disruptive, costly and emotionally distressing. It can be helpful to have good data backups and a plan to stop, slow or recover from these types of activity.

Key Terms
Unauthorized Access

Access to devices, accounts or data that is outside of the "Terms & Conditions" of the manufacturer or provider and not authorized by you.

Backup Data

A copy of data from a system, account or device that can be stored separately and outside of that device or system so it can be used to recreate it, if the initial system or device is no longer available.

Financial Responsibility

The party legally expected to pay a bill, charge or debt incurred in a transaction.

Identity Theft

When information about a person, such as their name, address and social security number is used to fraudulently create financial and other accounts.

Credit Freeze

When people have been the victim of hacks, scams or fraud, it may be helpful to notify credit bureaus that you are not opening any additional credit cards or other loans right now.


No last names or other personally identifiable information are used in published case studies. All photos are stock photography unless specified.