Member Support

Nov 1, 2023 5 min read

I need help with a consumer issue

If you are currently experiencing consumer problems, Noble Navigators can review your situation, discuss your options with you & take action including official complaints and an attorney referral.


This article covers some of the basic challenges US Consumers are facing. This article can serve as an outline for a Member Services conversation you can have with a Navigator 24/7.

Table of Contents

Topics for Review

Ignored Communication

Many US Consumers frequently report having their emails, phone calls and other forms of communications ignored. This can be the result of unintentional customer service deficiencies or an intentional strategy. It can be helpful to know which you are facing.

Impossible to Reach

Some companies do not publish a customer-accessible phone number or other contact information or customer service policies and procedures. While some companies wish to identify and quickly solve customer issues, others try to discourage, avoid, or prevent customer interactions.

Customer Service Challenges

Customer service teams and call centers may have technical issues with menus, hold times and computer systems or face other logistical challenges. Some teams are not fully informed about their products or services and many teams are not empowered to make decisions or provide certain types of help. Consumer challenges may be the result of customer service deficiencies or an intentional strategy to avoid certain types of customer interactions.

Fees & Charges

US Consumers report higher and more numerous fees across most industries than consumers in other countries. Many of these fees are unadvertised or “hidden”. Consumers are advised to review this information regularly.


Some consumer issues are the result of a delay in production, over-scheduling of services or other logistical issues. Other instances of delay may reflect that the company or other party does not intend to resolve the situation and the delay is an evasion tactic.

Missing, Lost or Stolen

Products are subject to theft, deception and interception at many stages of purchasing and shipping. Problems include fake products, used products, empty boxes, stolen packages, and a variety of other issues. It can be challenging for consumers to identify which party or parties have contributed to the theft or deception of which they are the victim.

Changes, switches, adjustments

Some companies use fluctuations in pricing, products or services as a profit optimizing strategy. Customers of these companies or buyers of these products or services may experience large swings in pricing or availability which sometimes are due to market dynamics but in other cases may be "created" situations designed to create customer urgency or justify price increases.

Deceptive business practices

Burden Shifting

Burden shifting takes place when the company places the burden for delivering the product or service onto the consumer. For example when a product is not working properly, many companies will attempt to require consumers to a) attempt to fix the situation themselves and then b) prove to the company the situation is real and that you have tried to fix it yourself. The assumption that "the consumer is using the product or service wrong" is at the heart of this dynamic.


Many companies will not speak with non-customers or even customers who cannot adequately authenticate their identity which can include account numbers or access to information that is not readily available. Under some conditions these situations may be used to discourage customer support under some conditions.


Some companies send customers into a maze of voice or chat menus, support tools or other situations that do not connect the customer with the necessary resources.

Simulated Service

Some companies or customer service departments are very adept at communicating with the customer, listening to the situation, but then ultimately taking no action. "Simulated Service" may be the result of a true inability for a company to address a particular concern or may reflect a customer service posture that is "friendly" but unhelpful.

Missing Service

Some businesses are not set up to provide actual customer service. They may be able to deliver a particular product or service, but they do not have a customer service function that can effectively take and receive inquiries, prioritize among them and respond to customers in a meaningful way.

What you stand to lose.


Researching and trying to handle deceptive business practices and bad customer service can waste an enormous amount of time.


There are a growing number of deceptive business practices regarding surcharges, tipping, subscriptions, cancellations and more.


Many companies generate content about trust, but fewer are taking steps to offer products and services that earn the trust of their customers.


Dealing with deceptive business practices and bad customer service damages both consumer and company-specific satisfaction.

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Noble Navigators provides guidance, direct action and ongoing support services for more than a dozen important life situations, including providing care for others. If you or someone you know needs assistance, please contact Noble Navigators 24/7 for live assistance

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Consumer Investigations

Behind the Scenes Information

Consumers are facing scams, fake reviews, misrepresentations and a wide variety of deceptive business practices even from companies and marketplaces previously considered reputable.Consumers need to closely watch and manage their relationships with the products, services and companies in their lives.

Key Terms
Deceptive Business Practices

When a company misrepresents its products or services or intentionally communicates inaccurately or incompletely, especially in ways that potentially violate applicable laws, or their own stated terms & conditions.

Attorney General

The Attorney General is the title typically given to the highest law enforcement officer in an area such as a state or within the Federal government. Many attorneys general would like to be informed of deceptive business practices taking place in their jurisdiction.

Bar Association

Bar associations are local, state and national organizations of attorneys that typically provide services to those member attorneys. Bar associations also often serve as a directory of member attorneys eligible to practice in that jurisdiction.

Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission has a stated mission of "Protecting America's Consumers" and maintains the Bureau of Consumer Protection.


No last names or other personally identifiable information are used in published case studies. All photos are stock photography unless specified.