Member Support

Dec 1, 2023 1 min read

How many people does a Noble Navigator membership cover?

One. Member Services for the account covers the named account holder.

Can I manage accounts for my family?

Yes. Family members can connect their accounts to be managed as a family.

Can non-family members manage other accounts?

Yes. Members can grant caregivers or friends access to their account. There are three levels of access.


Temporarily grant access to limited information.


Grant case or information access to a professional providing service on your case (such as an attorney).

Decision Maker

Grant access to someone who has decision making authority for the account holder such as a medical power of attorney.

Member Assistance

Noble Navigators provides guidance, direct action and ongoing support services for more than a dozen important life situations including basic tech support. If you or someone you know needs assistance please contact Noble Navigators 24/7.

  • Expert Review
  • One Page Plan
  • Automatic Follow up
  • Direct Navigator Actions
  • Backup Services





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