Member Support

Feb 1, 2021 1 min read

What do the internal case ratings mean?    

It helps consumers and Noble Navigators to describe member issues with a category that makes it easier to quickly understand the areas and impact of a problem.   

Some situations may be related to one category while others may involve more than one category (for example a situation that impacts both your healthcare and your financial situation).


Cases involving members’ healthcare, insurance or medical care. Abbreviation: HEAL.


Cases involving consumer products or services. Abbreviation: CS.


Cases involving technology, data, privacy and online services. Abbreviation: TECH.


Cases involving the personal safety or security of members. Abbreviation: SAFE.


Cases involving banking, finance, credit or financial impact. Abbreviation: FIN.


Cases that involve multiple categories. Abbreviation: MULTI.

Numerical Rating System - 1 - 9

Each case receives a numerical rating 1 - 9 with 9 being the most urgent.

  • 1 - New Case or Unknown Impact
  • 3 - General Questions
  • 5 - Active Issue
  • 7 - Urgent Problem
  • 9 - Maximum Priority

Rating Examples

Below are some examples of case ratings

  • FIN-9 - Financial problem with maximum urgency.
  • HEAL-3 - General questions about healthcare issues.
  • CS-7 - Urgent problem involving consumer problems.
  • TECH-1 - New case about a technical issues.

Members Assistance

Noble Navigators provides guidance, direct action and ongoing support services for more than a dozen important life situations including providing care for others. If you or someone you know needs assistance please contact Noble Navigators 24/7.

  • Expert Review
  • One Page Plan
  • Automatic Follow up
  • Direct Navigator Actions
  • Backup Services





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No last names or other personally identifiable information are used in published case studies. All photos are stock photography unless specified.