Member Support

Feb 1, 2021 1 min read

Are there any fees not included in membership or investigations?

Yes. Expenses such as postage are not included in the cost of Membership or Investigations. Members would review and approve any expenses like postage in advance.


In the course of handling your case it may be helpful to send written letters. Your Navigator will seek your approval prior to incurring any postage expenses.

Filing Fees

Some state, Federal or other agencies may collect small fees associated with requesting information, filing reports and other activities. Any proposed activities would be documented for your review and prior approval.

Member Assistance

Noble Navigators provides guidance, direct action and ongoing support services for more than a dozen important life situations including basic tech support. If you or someone you know needs assistance please contact Noble Navigators 24/7.

  • Expert Review
  • One Page Plan
  • Automatic Follow up
  • Direct Navigator Actions
  • Backup Services





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No last names or other personally identifiable information are used in published case studies. All photos are stock photography unless specified.